Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 6-10 (20 hours)

The next week began with one last major project on our table. We were to make a DVD out of all the photos and film that were taken during that week. I was in my glory. I love putting those kinds of things together. I have never done that exactly but I was quite excited to learn such an amazing marketing tool. After countless hours of reviewing footage and pictures, labeling teams and awards, and going over songs and how exactly we were going to put this all together my boss go an email at the end of the week. The email included a DVD already made from the one of the guys that took the pictures for the tournament. Although we have already spent a while on this project this gentleman’s work was very good. The entire office reviewed it and we all came to a consensus to use his DVD. But I got to make changes!!! I got make sure all the teams were showed, well at least all the ones we have pictures of, I got to move things around, and like my boss said “put a little player touch to it”. It was nice that all my hard work didn’t go to waste and I still got a pretty good idea of how to make the DVD. The rest of the week consisted of wrapping everything up. Got all the papers together, thank you letters and just talked about the job offers I received throughout the internship. That Friday night we went to a local crab house where the office took me out to dinner. It was a great way to conclude an AMAZING internship. From the experience, to the people I got to work with, a long with all the experiences I could possibly have in the future; I couldn’t ask for anything better!!

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